Bariatric Surgery
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Surgery carried out by Pratik Sufi at Whittington Hospital NHS Trust
Insertion of Stent
Stent placed across the upper sleeve, with the top end at the level of the squamo-columnar junction. Surgery carried out by Dugal Heath at Whittington Hospital NHS Trust
Failed Endoscopic Removal of Stent
An attempt was made by Mr. Ramar and Mr. Sufi to remove the stent inserted endoscopically, but procedure was aborted due to “grasper failure.”
Failed Surgical Removal of Stent
An attempt was made Mr. Sufi to remove the stent inserted endoscopically, which resulted in a catastropic Failure of Duty to Care.
Transferred to Royal London Hospital
Oesophagetomy carried out by Sarah Hughes of NHS Barts and The London NHS Trust